Political Action Committee

The main objective of this committee is to encourage political awareness amongst the membership especially at the municipal level. The committee also develops and maintains a system to quickly inform the membership on any developments in this area.

We need to continue to build political strength in order to fight for a better life for our members and our families.

The committee meets at the call of the Chair.

Chairperson  Carmen Prefontaine
Staff Advisor Nicholas McClurg

Volunteers Make a Difference!

Working in the public service, politics is not just something that happens to us on Election Day. Politics impact our daily lives, our jobs and our future and we can make the progressive change that our union fights for.

That is why our Political Action Committee (PAC) is on the job 365 days a year.

The important work of the PAC is carried out by Local 500 members who volunteer to give of their and time and effort to make a difference.

Election campaigns whether municipal, federal or provincial, offer many roles that members can take on. At every level of a campaign members are needed to hand out flyers, put up signs or make phone calls to get out the vote. It’s a fun way to learn and grow and connect with other union members.

Get Active:

Ready to join the Local 500 Political Action Team? Simply click here to complete the Join a Local 500 Committee Form. We look forward to your participation!