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Central Council

Auditorium 275 Broadway

This meeting is meant for the Local Table Officers, Unit Table Officers, delegates, delegated stewards, as well as the affiliate Lead Stewards

Black History Month

Feb 1, 2025 to Feb 28, 2025 Black History Month is a time to celebrate and highlight Black History and culture, and to honour the ancestors and leaders of Black communities, their accomplishments and their continued fight for liberation. Together, let’s educate one month, and celebrate every month.  

Louis Riel Day

Louis Riel, Métis leader, founder of Manitoba, central figure in the Red River and North-West resistance (born 22 October 1844 in Saint-Boniface, Red River Settlement; died 16 November 1885 in Regina, SK). Riel led two popular Métis governments, was central in bringing Manitoba into Confederation, and was executed for high treason for his role in the 1885 resistance to Canadian encroachment on Métis lands.