Joint City/CUPE Education Fund

CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg have agreed through eight Letter of Understandings (LOU), a jointly administered Human Resource Development Fund for the purpose of education, training and staff development for CUPE rated employees.

The LOU created the City/CUPE Joint Education, Training and Staff Development Committee with equal representation from the City and the Union. The “Joint Committee” reports to a Senior Steering Committee comprised of the Mayor, Chief Administrative Officer and the President of CUPE Local 500.

The “Joint Committee” oversees the work of the Education, Training and Staff Development Fund which provides CUPE members with development in areas such as computer training, essential skills development, respectful workplace, wellness, leadership programs and responds to changes resulting from organizational restructuring and/or technology advances.

For further information about any of the programs, awards or committee members, please click on a link below.


On May 12, 2000 CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg agreed through a Letter of Understanding (LOU) to the establishment of a $3 million jointly administered Human Resource Development Fund for the purpose of education, training and staff development for CUPE rated employees.

On April 17, 2003 CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg agreed to a second LOU for an additional $3 million for the fund.

On March 22, 2006 CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg signed a third consecutive LOU which saw the addition of $900,000 to the Fund.

On February 26, 2008 CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg signed a fourth LOU that included $1.5 million for the fund for the period of 2008 – 2010.

On April 8, 2011, CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg signed a fifth LOU that included $1million for the fund for the period of 2011 – 2014. 

On June 17, 2015, CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg signed a sixth LOU that included $500,000. This new LOU covers two calendar years (2015 – 2016). 

On July 19,. 2017, CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg agreed to a seventh LOU that included 250,000 per year over four calendar years. and will continue to support the core Global Programs such as E-Learning, Foremanship, Essential Skills, Respectful Workplace training and Employee Wellness Program.

On December 15, 2022, City Council ratified the memorandum of agreement between CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg that included an eighth LOU to support the Global programs in the amount of $250,000 per year. 

Since its creation, the Joint Education Fund was provided thousands of learning opportunities for CUPE members. The joint program was also recognized through numerous awards in several categories between 2002 and 2006. The “Joint Committee” oversees the work of the Education, Training and Staff Development Fund which provides CUPE members with development in areas such as computer training, essential skills development, respectful workplace, wellness, leadership programs and responds to changes resulting from organizational restructuring and/or technology advances.

Click below to view a current copy of the Letter of Understanding.

Courses and Programs

Current Programs:

Global Training:

This is training that benefits the whole organization and is open to all City of Winnipeg employees who are members of CUPE Local 500. Examples of Global Training include:

Some of the above programs are coordinated by CUPE rated employees who were hired by the Joint Committee to manage and/or facilitate these global programs.

Past Programs:

There were a number of successful programs supported by the City/CUPE fund in the past. However, due to a decrease in funding over the years, these programs are no longer available.

Joint Committee Members

The City/CUPE Joint Committee has been given through an LOU the responsibility and authority to identify, develop and deliver or fund the required programs to meet the training needs of the approximately 5,000 CUPE rated employees. The Joint Committee works under the direction of the Senior Steering Committee comprised of the Mayor, the City’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the President of CUPE Local 500.

Listed below are the members of the Joint Committee:

CUPE Representatives:

Rebecca Scott, CUPE Co-Chair

Carmen Prefontaine, Civic Services 
Phil Dembicki, Community Services

City Representatives:

Stephanie Mages, City Co-Chair

Jessica Hanson, Community Services

Senior Steering Committee

The Joint Committee works under the direction of the Senior Steering Committee comprised of the Mayor, the City’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the President of CUPE Local 500.

Mayor Scott Gillingham, City of Winnipeg

Sherwood Armbruster, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, City of Winnipeg

Gord Delbridge, President of CUPE Local 500


Joint City/CUPE Education Fund

Les Butterworth Scholarship

Steward Education