Steward Education

CUPE’s Union Development Department offers a wide variety of workshops to help you develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to improve our workplaces and our society.

As a steward, local officer and bargaining committee member, you also have access to an education program that will help you develop skills and expertise to represent members in the workplace.

What workshops are available through Local 500?

In order to assist our Shop Stewards in performing their function more effectively, CUPE Local 500 will sponsor new shop stewards to the Introduction to Stewarding Course. For more information about Local 500 steward training opportunities, contact Rebecca Scott, Special Assignments Officer, CUPE Local 500, (204)942-1001 or email:

What other workshops can I sign up for?

CUPE offers its members hundreds of workshops every year, on topics such as new member orientation, human rights, union officer training, and many more. CUPE has a number of established workshops. CUPE also designs unique workshops to meet the needs of local unions, district councils, Divisions and other groups within the union. Click here to view the workshop catalog.

Steward Learning Series Certificate

The Steward Learning Series is a series of three-hour modules to provide in-depth education for stewards as grievance handlers, advocates, problem solvers, communicators, leaders, workplace organizers, and human rights’ champions.

Click here to download a copy of the steward learning pamphlet.  

For additional union education opportunities, contact your Unit President or Lead Shop Steward. You can also contact Elizabeth Carlyle, Education Representative for the Manitoba Regional Office at (204)942-0343 or