CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > Local News > Healthcare Update

Healthcare Update

October 07, 2024 at 6:14 PM

We understand that many members have many questions still, and we will do our best to answer them. Below you will see many of the frequently asked questions by our members:


Q: When will you give us our essential services shifts?

A: The union is not responsible for scheduling your work shifts. That is still done by the employer. If you have issues with your essential services shifts, speak to your manager.


Q: When will I know my Essential Services schedule if we are on strike?

A: If the Union gives the Employer strike notice, the Employer is obligated to provide ESA schedules 72 hours prior to the actual strike.


Q:Do I HAVE to strike?

A: Riverview members voted to reject the employers last offer, therefore triggering a strike. However, you do not have to walk the picket line, but you will not receive strike pay. It is strongly encouraged to be on the picket line, if able to. It shows strength and solidarity towards getting resolved.


Q: Will I maintain my normal rotation during a strike?

A: ESA shifts will be distributed as equally as possible, your usual rotation would not apply during a strike.


Q: Where will I be picketing if there is a strike?

A: Local 500 members will be picketing at Riverview ONLY. If you decide to picket at an alternative location, you will not receive your strike pay. If you also hold a position with MORE hours at a CUPE Local 204 facility, then register for strike pay with CUPE 204.


If you are not sure what CUPE Local you belong to, you can phone the Local 500 office at 204-942-1001, or ask a member of the strike committee.


Q: If I am Casual, will I be included in Essential Services shifts?

A: No, casuals will not be included in the Essential Services rotation but may be scheduled to be on standby. Casuals will be allowed to do picket duties of up to 20 hours per week.


Q: When is my picketing shift?

A: We will have 2 shifts. 8:00am- 12 noon and 12 noon- 4:00pm. You can come to either shift as what suits you best.


Q: I have not received the text to download the AllGeo app. What do I do?

A: If you have registered your bank information with the Strike Committee, go to your Play Store(Android) or App Store(Apple) and download the AllGeo app. Enter in ONLY your area code and phone number and click 'register'.


Q: What about my benefits?

A: CUPE pays for the premiums of your group life and extended health benefits for the duration of the strike. If you work essential services shifts you will be paid by the Employer just like normal. Therefore, your benefit premiums would be deducted, and coverage will continue. The pension plan deductions will NOT be paid by CUPE. If you work some Essential Services shifts in a week, but you also receive strike pay for picket duties that week, your benefit premiums will be paid by CUPE for any shifts spent doing strike duties.


Q: What about my financial obligations like mortgage, rent, loans, credit cards etc?

A: CUPE has a form letter that you will be able to send to financial institutions and creditors, notifying them of a strike and requesting adjusted payment conditions be arranged with you. Most financial institutions will help you put together a plan to deal with your situation in the event of a strike which may include allowing you to reduce payments, paying interest only charges, etc. 

We highly recommend contacting your financial institution/credit cards, etc., right away to discuss a plan. 

United Way has a guide to assist union members for What to do When the Paycheque Stops.

For anyone needing to use a washroom, the employer is allowing members into the building to do so. You must remove all picketing gear before entering the grounds.



The goal in every round of negotiations is always to reach a fair and reasonable collective agreement without having to resort to taking any job action. Until such a time, we want to remind members that they may want to put off any personal discretionary spending.

Please avoid listening to rumours. Do not believe anything you hear unless it comes directly from the Local 500 office. If you have questions, contact the Local 500 office or to get the facts.


If you have signed up to be a picket captain and received the training, THANK YOU! Go see the Strike Committee when you are able to go for your first picketing shift. You will receive the information and required gear to fulfill your captain duties. They will also arrange additional shifts for you based around your essential services shifts.

If you have not signed up to be a picket captain and are interested, please see a member of the Strike Committee.