City releases report on future of golf courses
June 29, 2012 at 6:37 PM
Today, the City of Winnipeg released a report on the future of its golf courses. While the City doesn't plan on selling off the golf courses, it will consider an alternative service delivery model known as "Modified Managed Competition" process for the operation of Kildonan, Windsor, Crescent Drive and Harbourview golf courses.
While the Local is pleased to hear that the city has dropped its plans to sell Winnipeg’s publicly owned golf courses, we take exception with Alternate Services Delivery Chair Scott Fielding's assertion that City of Winnipeg employee salaries are to blame for the financial position of the courses.
"The majority of the workers at the golf courses are students who work seasonally for an average of $12 per hour," said Local 500 President Mike Davidson. "I hardly think that employee salaries are at fault here," he added.
In October 2011, the city put out an expression of interest to see if anyone wanted to purchase or take over the long-term leases of seven city-owned golf courses. In total, the city received 73 proposals of which 32 were from private companies wanting to lease a course over the short or long-term.
Several community groups including OURS have voiced their concerns about the city's plans to sell the golf courses before considering whether the land could have other public uses or remain as green space.
The Local will be reviewing the report and will update the membership on the Union's response to this recommendation.