CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > CUPE Celebrates Black History Month



February is Black History Month. CUPE Local 500 urges all its members to take this time to acknowledge and celebrate the many contributions people of African heritage have made to Canada and our union movement.

Through their activism and leadership, Black trade unionists in Canada have organized to pass laws and win collective agreement language that fights racism and promotes equality in our workplaces and communities. While we have made significant strides forward, we have far to go in the fight against anti-Black racism.

CUPE is proud to celebrate Black History Month and the significant contributions Black Canadians have made to the fabric of our country. We remain dedicated to fighting social and systemic discrimination in our communities, our workplaces, and in CUPE and the rest of the labour movement.

Across Canada, many community groups and CUPE locals are organizing events to learn more about Black history, and to celebrate Black History Month.

We encourage all CUPE members to participate in these important events being held in our community.