CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > CUPE LOCAL 500/ CITY OF WINNIPEG BARGAINING UPDATE #19


June 29, 2022 at 11:45 AM

Information Meetings and Strike Mandate Vote scheduled

Negotiations between CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg continued on June 15, 22 and 23 with the City presenting a settlement offer to the Union. 
Your bargaining committee has reviewed the City’s offer and determined that we could not recommend acceptance of this package to the membership for ratification. While the offer contains some improvements we could support, we are still miles apart on the issue of wages.
“The bottom line is everyone deserves a fair wage increase during these challenging economic times,” said Local 500 President Gord Delbridge. “With the rising costs of housing, groceries, gas and other essentials, it’s becoming more unaffordable for our members to continue to thrive in the community they serve. The City can, and must do better.
As such, your bargaining committee wants to meet with you to provide an update on the City’s latest offer. We remain committed to fighting for a fair deal on your behalf and now we need your help. We are asking you to stand in support of a strike mandate.
A strong strike vote gives the union's negotiating committee permission to take job action if necessary. This is also known as a mandate. It’s a tool we need right now to help us get a fair and reasonable settlement. It shows the employer that your priorities haven’t changed and that you stand behind the proposals we've tabled in this round of bargaining.
Please also note that a strike vote does not mean we will go on strike. It means authority is given to the bargaining committee to establish a strike date should further negotiations fail to provide meaningful gains to our members.
Membership Meetings/Voting
Please plan to attend one of the following meeting times to get the latest information and have your questions answered. Members will also be receiving a card in the mail detailing the meeting and voting information. If you do not receive a card by Friday, July 8, it may mean that we do not have your correct mailing address, and you should contact us at 204-942-1001 or by email: to update your member information. 
9:00 am (to accommodate shift workers) or 
12:00 noon or 
7:00 pm 
2nd floor, Room 2EF
RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre
375 York Avenue 
7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
2nd Floor, Pan Am Room 
RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre
375 York Avenue 
Frequently Asked Questions – Meetings/Voting 
Q: Am I allowed time off to attend the information meetings and vote on a strike mandate? 
A: The City does not provide time off for employees to attend the information sessions and the City is not allowing employees time off to vote on the strike mandate. Therefore, we have tried to schedule the meeting and voting times to accommodate workers of all shift schedules. 
Q: What if I can’t make the membership meetings? 
A: We will have information packages available at the voting and will have people there to review it with you and answer your questions. Packages will also be available after 12:00 noon on July 11 and can be picked up at the Local 500 office, 203-275 Broadway. As well, if there are people from your workplace attending the meeting, they can take extra information packages back to the workplace with them. 
Q: What if I can’t make the vote? Can I mail in my ballot? Can someone else vote for me?
A: We do not have provisions in our by-laws and constitution that allows a mail-in ballot or a proxy vote. 
Q: Why is the vote held the following day after the meeting?
A: The answer to this question is contained in the Local 500 By-laws under Clause 9 section (d). It states:
"In the case of a general meeting called in which the terms and conditions of a tentative settlement will be presented regarding a City of Winnipeg Contract, a written notice of such meeting will be forwarded to each member at the last known address and shall be mailed not less than one week prior to the holding of the general meeting. A ratification vote to accept or reject the tentative settlement shall take place by secret ballot the following day after which the general meeting was held".
Q: How can I stay informed and get involved? 
A: The best way to stay informed is by reading all Local 500 email updates, bargaining bulletins or by visiting the website at If you haven’t signed up for email updates, you can register through the website or contact the local 500 office at 204-942-1001. 
Talks are continuing
Please note that talks have not broken off and we will continue our efforts to reach a fair and reasonable agreement at the negotiating table. We have more bargaining dates scheduled for July and will continue to communicate updates throughout negotiations. 
Some of our members have asked that more details regarding issues being discussed at the bargaining table, be included in our bulletin updates. We must remind everyone that at the start of bargaining, both parties agreed to keep the content of negotiations in confidence until we reach a settlement or an impasse.
We ask that all members respect this by not asking your bargaining committee members for specific details about what is being discussed at the negotiating table. 
Support your bargaining committee
Your bargaining committee is made up of your coworkers and colleagues from various city departments. They are working hard alongside the lead negotiator and CUPE Staff to get the best possible agreement for our members. 
We know that bargaining has gone on far too long. That’s why we need you to stand united and together with your bargaining committee as they continue to push forward your priorities at the bargaining table. 
When you support your bargaining committee and stand in solidarity with each other, anything is possible!
Once again, we thank you for your continued patience and support. We look forward to meeting with you on July 11! 
Stronger together! 
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Gord Delbridge, President, CUPE Local 500
Carmen Prefontaine, President, Civic Services Unit

Phil Dembicki, President, Community Services Unit 
Nicholas McClurg, President, Public Works Unit/Local 500 Special Assignments Officer 
Madelaine Dwyer, President, Water and Waste Unit

Rebecca Scott, Member at Large

Jon Shalapata, Member at Large 
Alex McClurg, CUPE National Staff Representative 
Kevin Carswell, CUPE National Staff Representative 
Dale Edmunds, CUPE National Staff Representative 
Elizabeth Wheeler, CUPE National Staff Representative
Karen Byzuk, Local 500 Special Assignments Officer