CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > CUPE Local 500/City of Winnipeg Negotiations Update - Bulletin #3

Bargaining between CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg got underway on February 6, 2017.

The opening session consisted of introductions of the two teams and opening statements. The two parties also exchanged bargaining proposals and spent some time reviewing each other’s package. The union's proposals were developed based on the membership priorities identified in the 2016 bargaining survey and changes that staff recommended. 

At this time, we can report that the City has tabled an unprecedented proposal package that contains significant concessions and changes to our current contract language.  Concessions are requests by the employer to give up rights we previously fought for and gained in bargaining.

The two parties met again on February 8, however, in order for the Union to give full consideration to the unprecedented proposal package presented, and other procedural issues, we have paused negotiations. Please note that the Union’s main focus remains to negotiate a fair contract, and we are working towards scheduling dates to resume bargaining. We will be issuing updates in the coming days as more information becomes available.

Union’s Proposal Package 

Local 500 members who wish to view a copy of the Union's proposed changes to the agreement, may drop by the Local 500 office at 702 - 275 Broadway.


The rumour mill will be hard at work during bargaining.  Please don't believe anything you hear unless it comes from the Union.  If you have questions or concerns, contact the Local 500 office directly at 204-942-1001. Ignore the rumours and get the facts.

Watch for more information

As always, we do not negotiate in the media and you will be the first to know how matters are progressing.

Please check your bulletin board regularly for bargaining information updates.

You can also sign up for email updates. This is one way we are able to get information out to you quickly.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Negotiating Committee for Local 500 is:

Gord Delbridge, President

Danielle Carriere, Civic Services Unit

Mike Wakefield, Community Services Unit

Todd Halldorson, Public Works Unit

Pierre Sarrasin, Water and Waste Unit

Dave Gaudreau, Member At Large

Kevin Jaworski, Member At Large

Alex McClurg, CUPE National Staff Representative

George Bouchard, CUPE National Staff Representative

Kevin Carswell, CUPE National Staff Representative

Bob Ripley, Local 500 Special Assignments Officer

Karen Byzuk, Local 500 Special Assignments Officer