CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > CUPE Local 500/City of Winnipeg Negotiations Update - Bulletin #5

CUPE Local 500/City of Winnipeg Negotiations Update - Bulletin #5

March 10, 2017 at 8:23 AM

Bargaining Bulletin TEMPLATE.jpg

Since our last update, the Union’s bargaining committee met on Thursday, March 9, to prepare for conciliation with the employer.  Both parties are set to meet with the provincially appointed conciliator, on Monday, March 13. We also have conciliation dates scheduled for late March and in April.

We can also report that despite some challenges imposed by the employer, and as a show of good faith, your bargaining committee has agreed to meet outside of the regular workday as we continue these negotiations. This may affect some of our monthly scheduled Local 500 Executive and Central Council meetings.   Please watch for a meeting change notice should our bargaining schedule conflict with these meeting dates.

While we proceed through the conciliation process, we will continue to work hard on your behalf and remain committed to achieving a fair and reasonable settlement.

Stay Informed!

We will continue to communicate with you to keep you up to date.  Please remember to check your bulletin board regularly or visit the Local 500 website at  You can also sign up for email updates to stay informed about bargaining and other important union information. It’s also important that we have your current contact information.  Please keep us updated of any changes by contacting the Local 500 office at 204-942-1001. 

Working Together for a Better Winnipeg 

For several weeks now, our message around Working Together for a Better Winnipeg, has been used in print, radio and social media ads to promote the important work and services our members.

You can check out our ad on our website or facebook page to see some of the valuable ways Local 500 members are working to help build a better Winnipeg.

The Local will be ramping up this campaign even further during the bargaining process. 

Questions or Concerns:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Local 500 office at 204-942-1001 or by email to:

Thank you for your continued patience and support!

The Negotiating Committee for CUPE Local 500 is:

Gord Delbridge, President

Danielle Carriere, Civic Services Unit

Mike Wakefield, Community Services Unit

Todd Halldorson, Public Works Unit

Pierre Sarrasin, Water and Waste Unit

Dave Gaudreau, Member At Large

Kevin Jaworski, Member At Large

Alex McClurg, CUPE National Staff Representative

George Bouchard, CUPE National Staff Representative

Kevin Carswell, CUPE National Staff Representative

Bob Ripley, Local 500 Special Assignments Officer

Karen Byzuk, Local 500 Special Assignments Officer