CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > CUPE Local 500/City of Winnipeg Negotiations Update: Talks Have Broken Off – Union/City Seeking Conciliation

During the week of April 13 – 17, CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg met to continue negotiations towards a new collective agreement.
Unfortunately, talks have broken off and the two parties are requesting a conciliation officer to assist us in reaching a settlement.
A conciliation officer is an individual provided through provincial Conciliation and Mediation Services who would help facilitate further dialogue between the two parties.
“We are turning to a neutral third party to help resolve the differences that are preventing us from reaching a fair agreement for our members,” said CUPE Local 500 President Mike Davidson.  “While we’re hopeful we can resolve our differences, we will be seeking a strike mandate from our member should job action be deemed necessary.”
Details regarding the time and location of a special membership meeting and a membership vote that would give CUPE Local 500 a strike mandate will be mailed to each member directly as soon as details are finalized.
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Members should continue to check the bulletin board for further updates.  If you have personal email access, you can sign up for email updates on the Local 500 website at
We want to assure you that our goal remains to reach a fair and reasonable settlement and we greatly appreciate your continued support and patience.

In solidarity,

Your Negotiating Committee