CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > CUPE National President Paul Moist announces retirement after 12 years at the helm

After 12 years at the helm of Canada's largest union, CUPE National President, Paul Moist announced he will not stand for re-election at CUPE's National Convention next November. "CUPE members serve Canadians around-the-clock, 365 days a year, delivering public services such as Medicare and Public Education that makes Canada a fairer more just society," said Moist. "I have been honoured to work for those members throughout most of my adult life."

"But after 40 years of membership, 32 years of full-time union work, and the last 12 years as National President, it is time I stepped aside and let a new generation of leaders emerge within CUPE." said Moist.

Moist is CUPE's 5th National President, the first ever from Western Canada. Since his election in 2003 as the head of Canada's largest union:

  • CUPE has added 100,000 new members, and today represents 634,000 workers.
  • CUPE's National Strike Fund has grown from $13 million to over $80 million today.
  • CUPE's connection to the Canadian Labour Congress, Public Services International (a global public service union body representing over 20 million members), the New Democratic Party of Canada, and a wide range of social justice groups, including the Council of Canadians and the Canada Health Coalition, has increased.

"CUPE is full of talented activists and I am confident that delegates at our upcoming National Convention will select a great leader to lead the union forward." added Moist.

In retirement, Moist plans to continue his activism with the NDP and social justice groups such as the Council of Canadians.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees is Canada's largest union, with over 634,000 members across the country. CUPE represents workers in health care, emergency services, education, early learning and child care, municipalities, social services, libraries, utilities, transportation, airlines and more.

CUPE's National Convention will be held in Vancouver from November 2 to 6.

Source:  CUPE.CA