CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > Elections of Local 500 Table Officers

Elections of the Local 500 Table Officers took place on Monday, November 28, 2016. Please note that Gord Delbridge, Local 500 President, was not up for re-election in 2016. The results of the other table officers elected are listed below:

1st Vice-President: Ted Yorke (Water and Waste Unit)
2nd Vice-President: Todd Halldorson (Public Works Unit)
Treasurer:  Phil Dembicki (Community Services Unit)
Recording Secretary
: Rebecca Scott (Civic Services Unit)
Warden: Nicholas McClurg (Public Works Unit)

Congratulations to the newly elected officers and thanks for your continued dedication and commitment to the members of Local 500.

One trustee was also elected as follows:

Three-Year Trustee: Cameron Patrick

Please note that the Trustees are not considered members of either the Local’s Executive or Table Officers.

2017 Table Officers.jpg

Back row L-R) Phil Dembicki, Treasurer, Rebecca Scott, Recording Secretary, Todd Halldorson, 2nd Vice-President, (Front row L-R) Nicholas McClurg, Warden, Gord Delbridge, President, Ted Yorke, 1st Vice-President.