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Health Care Bargaining Update #14

April 11, 2022 at 3:58 PM

Bargaining Dates
CUPE met with the Provincial Health Labour Relations Services (PHLRS) on March 16, 23, 30, and April 6, 2022. The next scheduled bargaining dates are April 13th, 20th, and 27th and we are confirming dates for May. We have made progress on some monetary proposals. The outstanding proposal are slowly being addressed and agreed to. We have resolved about two thirds (2/3) of the language proposals.
Petition/Campaign/Wear Black Wednesdays
Thank you! Thank you to all the members who signed the petition and participated in “Wear Black Wednesdays”. It has definitely had an impact and has shown the Employer that CUPE members are united. The Bargaining Council firmly believes we were able to start monetary discussions because of the members support with both the petition and wearing black. Let’s keep the momentum going!
The health care support staff awareness campaign has also been well received. The radio ads, TV commercials and billboards are happening right now.
Please continue to wear black on Wednesdays if you are able to, and post pictures. Just make sure there is no sensitive, personal, or patient/client information visible in your photos. The Locals will be distributing solidarity bracelets (silicone) for members to wear, especially if you are unable to wear black clothing at work. Please check with your Local if you have not yet received a bracelet.
While we continue to make progress at the bargaining table the Strike Committee continues to prepare for a strike. The essential services agreements are complete. While we hope a strike will not be necessary, we are working to ensure that we are ready.
Please make sure we have your most recent contact information, including cell phone number and personal email. We do not use work contact information to reach you for union business.