CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > Local 500 Launches Public Plowing Works Campaign

Today, Local 500 launched its Public Plowing Works Campaign aimed at collecting Winnipeggers stories and experiences with snow plowing in Winnipeg through a toll-free hotline and website.

“We know that Winnipeggers have concerns about snow plowing,” said Mike Davidson, President of CUPE Local 500.  “We want to collect citizens’ stories on how poor plowing has affected their lives.”

On February 10th, the City of Winnipeg Standing Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works endorsed a motion to develop a report that compares the cost and quality of private snow clearing contractors to snow clearing provided by city workers. Approximately 80% of Winnipeg’s snow clearing is contracted out to private companies.

“We believe city workers can do the job better,” said Davidson. “Our hotline will collect stories from Winnipeggers to help show the city that our community deserves the best snow plowing possible. This is a winter city, after all!”

Information gathered from the Snow Plowing Hotline will be compiled and provided to the Public Works Department to help inform their report with real stories from Winnipeggers.

The Snow Plowing Hotline can be reached at 1-855-223-9311. Winnipeggers are encouraged to leave a message about how poor snow plowing has affected them - whether it’s damage to property, delays getting to work, or impact on their business.

A website is also available at where citizens can also leave their
stories and learn more about how their experiences will be used to help improve snow clearing in Winnipeg.

“At the end of the day we all want better services for our city,” said Davidson. “We believe that by sharing our stories we can find great solutions to the city’s snow clearing woes.”                                                                                         

Winnipeggers who have not yet done so are also encouraged to file an official complaint with 311.