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Local 500 speaking notes to Winnipeg City Council re: Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

November 25, 2021 at 9:55 AM

You can click to download the speaking notes that were presented virtually by Local 500 President Gord Delbridge on November 25, 2021 to Winnipeg City Council RE: Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades.


The City of Winnipeg operates three sewage treatment plants under Environment Act Licences issued by Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship. The licence requirements are becoming more stringent with the Province's Lake Winnipeg Action Plan, designed to help protect Lake Winnipeg.

As a result of the new regulations, the City must invest over $1.8 billion to upgrade their sewage treatment plants, including Biosolids treatment.

To help pay for a portion of the upgrades, the City applied to the federal Canadian Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF).  The ICIP program is administered in Manitoba by the provincial government. 


February 2019
City Council approves North End Sewage Treatment Biological Nutrient Removal Upgrade report that recommends the NEWPCC Upgrade Project be split into three components to mitigate risk of a single large, complex, and lengthy project.

October 2019
Winnipeg submitted funding application for Headworks and Biosolids Facilities to the Province, as they administer the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) funding programs on behalf of the Feds.

March 2021
Province directs Winnipeg to proceed with P3 market sounding.

May 2021
The City grants Deloitte a single-source contract to undertake a market analysis for a DBF contract at the cost of $400,000.

May 2021
EPC mandates that the Operation and Maintenance of Winnipeg’s sewage treatment facility shall remain public and shall not be included as part of the P3 market sounding.

August 2021
The City receives a market sounding report from Deloitte.

September 2021
The Province receives a market sounding report from Ernst & Young.

November 2021
CAO sends letter to Province, asking for Province to advance the ICIP application, and reiterating EPC’s refusal to include Operation and Maintenance in the project.