CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > Local 500/City of Winnipeg Negotiations Update - Bulletin #4 - March 2, 2017

Local 500/City of Winnipeg Negotiations Update - Bulletin #4 - March 2, 2017

March 02, 2017 at 12:10 AM

Bargaining Bulletin TEMPLATE.jpg

In our last communication to you, we indicated that bargaining was paused so that the Union could give full consideration to the City's unprecedented proposal package and other procedural issues. We also told you that we were working towards scheduling dates to resume bargaining.

Since then, some of our members have reported to us that an email from the City's Corporate Support Services indicated that talks have "broken off" between CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg.

At this time, we can report that bargaining dates have been scheduled. We can also report that a conciliation officer has been appointed to help both parties reach a collective agreement. Conciliation involves asking the Province to appoint an individual to assist the two sides in resolving issues at the bargaining table.  Either side can request a conciliator.  In this case, the City made the request.

While conciliation officers have considerable skill and experience in negotiations and labour relations, they have no power to impose a settlement between the parties.

As it stands now, we have dates set to meet with the conciliator in March and April.  Your bargaining committee remains strong, united and committed to negotiating a fair contract, while protecting the city services that Winnipeggers rely on.
Please know that we are well prepared and resourced to protect our collective agreement and have the ongoing support and solidarity of our other civic unions and associations.
Recently, the Winnipeg Association of Public Service Officers (WAPSO) advised its members that they are not obligated to volunteer to perform the work of another civic union in the event of a work stoppage. This message is a clear show of solidarity and strengthens our position at the bargaining table.
Communication during the conciliation process

Throughout the conciliation process, we will be able to keep you updated on the process but won't be able to give you details of what's happening at the table.  As much as we would like to give you such information, to do so would jeopardize our negotiations.

Our goal is to make sure you are the first to know if we have reached a settlement, or if talks have broken off. We will also be going into a media blackout and continuing our pledge not to bargain in the media.

Watch for more information

You have probably heard many rumours about what's happening in this round of bargaining. Please ignore these rumours and keep informed by reading the bulletins.  If you have a serious concern about something you've heard, contact us at 204-942-1001 or send us an email to  Remember, if you have personal email access, you can also sign up to receive email updates on the home page of the Local 500 website.  

Thank you for your continued patience and support during this process.  

The Negotiating Committee for CUPE Local 500 is:

Gord Delbridge, President
Danielle Carriere, Civic Services Unit
Mike Wakefield, Community Services Unit
Todd Halldorson, Public Works Unit
Pierre Sarrasin, Water and Waste Unit
Dave Gaudreau, Member At Large
Kevin Jaworski, Member At Large
Alex McClurg, CUPE National Staff Representative
George Bouchard, CUPE National Staff Representative
Kevin Carswell, CUPE National Staff Representative
Bob Ripley, Local 500 Special Assignments Officer
Karen Byzuk, Local 500 Special Assignments Officer