CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > Local 500/City of Winnipeg - Bargaining Update: Conciliation Dates Scheduled

CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg are set to begin meeting with the government appointed conciliation officer on May 11. The parties have also scheduled meeting dates for May 20 and June 2.
Contract talks between Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg have been underway since early February. On April 17, the two parties reached an impasse in bargaining, and have mutually agreed to the assistance of a conciliation officer.
A conciliation officer is an individual provided through provincial Conciliation and Mediation Services, who will try to assist the parties to reach a collective agreement.
The Local remains committed to a fair and reasonable settlement and will provide further updates to the membership as discussions continue.
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All bargaining related news will continue to be added to the Local 500 website and emailed to members. You should also check your bulletin board regularly for information updates.
In solidarity,
Your Negotiating Committee