CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > Local 500/City of Winnipeg Bargaining Update - Tentative Agreement Reached

On May 11, CUPE Local 500 and the City of Winnipeg continued negotiations through the conciliation process. This process is where a conciliation officer acts as a "middle person" to help resolve outstanding issues between the two parties.
As a result, we have been able to reach a tentative settlement with the City of Winnipeg. We believe the City's offer is fair and reasonable, and meets the top priorities of our members.
At this time, Local 500 will not make any further comment regarding the details of the tentative agreement until members have had an opportunity to review and vote on it. All Local 500 members working at the City of Winnipeg are eligible to attend an information meeting and vote on the tentative agreement.
Details regarding the date, time and location of the membership meetings and a membership vote, will be mailed to each member directly as soon as details are finalized. During the meetings, the Union's Negotiating Committee will explain the City's tentative settlement offer and answer your questions.

Please don't listen to rumours about what's in the tentative agreement and what isn't.  You will receive all the details at the information meetings.
In the meantime, should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Local 500 office at 204-942-1001 or by email at
Watch For More Information
Members should continue to check the bulletin board and the Local 500 website for further updates.  If you have personal email access, you can sign up for email updates on the Local 500 website at

Thank you for your ongoing patience and support during the bargaining process.
In solidarity,

Your Negotiating Committee
The negotiating committee for CUPE Local 500 is:
Mike Davidson, President                                         
Ted Yorke, Member at Large
Gord Delbridge, Civic Services Unit                         
Alex McClurg, CUPE National Staff Representative
Barb Verschoore, Community Services Unit
George Bouchard, CUPE National Staff Representative
Albert Allison, Public Works Unit                             
Kevin Carswell, CUPE National Staff Representative
Walter Gretschman, Water and Waste Unit           
Bob Ripley, Local 500 Special Assignments Officer
Rebecca Scott, Member at Large                             
Karen Byzuk, Local 500 Special Assignments Officer