CUPE Local 500 > News/Media > News Archive > Local 500/City of Winnipeg Negotiations Update

The Union's Negotiating Committee completed one more day of bargaining with the City on March 12. Please note that the bargaining session scheduled for March 11 was cancelled.
Some progress was made at the table. The Union provided the employer with some counter proposals and suggested amendments to articles in the collective agreement. The City's bargaining committee is currently reviewing the information presented by the Union.
The two parties will meet again on the morning of March 20 and have blocked off April 13 - 17 to continue negotiations.

Please do not believe anything you hear unless it comes from the Union. If you have a concern or a question, contact the Local 500 office directly at 204-942-1001. Ignore the rumours and get the facts!
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Members should continue to check the bulletin board for further updates. If you have personal email access, you can sign up for email updates on the Local 500 website at
Thank you for your continued support and patience.
In solidarity,
Your Negotiating Committee