Sixteen Local 500 Stewards Attend Training
February 01, 2010 at 1:07 AM
Local 500 shop stewards in group discussions at the effective stewarding workshop
On January 29 & 30, 16 stewards from Local 500 attended a basic stewarding workshop, sponsored by the local. The workshop focused on the roles and responsibilities of the steward, grievance investigation and handling.
Shop stewards are workplace leaders who are the face of the union on the shop floor. They work with members to help solve problems, and with the employer to make sure your contract is followed. They are also a key source of information about important workplace issues and developments.
In order to assist our Shop Stewards in performing their function more effectively, CUPE Local 500 offers a Steward Orientation and Basic Effective Stewarding Course.
Are you interested in becoming a Steward?
If you are interested in becoming a shop steward, you should contact a member of your unit executive or the Local 500 office at 942-1001or complete the 'get active' form and register today.
More advanced levels of Shop Steward Training are offered through CUPE's Union Development Department. For more information, contact the CUPE Regional Office at 942-0343. For a listing of CUPE's Educational Courses, visit